Jumat, 17 Agustus 2007

Stop Losing Your Hair Now!

Stop Losing Your Hair Now!

Author: Charles Kassotis

Are you tired of finding strands of your hair in the sink, on the counter, or in the shower? No matter what age you are, no one likes to lose hair; everyone would rather keep it implanted on their scalps, where it belongs. Of course, if you have plenty to spare, you may not mind losing a few down the drain. But for those who are concerned about the exodus of their locks, here are some preventative measures to take before resorting to hair transplants or chemical processes.hair loss,hair loss remedy,hair loss product

1. Wash your hair every other day. Some people wash it daily, but as long as your hair remains manageable and not greasy, you can probably switch to alternative days. This will protect weak new hair follicles, giving them a chance to develop more fully. It also means you will be brushing or combing your hair less often, which means less stress on your scalp and strands. 2. Forget the 100 strokes a day. A generation or two ago, women taught their daughters to brush their hair 100 strokes daily. But professionals have come to realize that lengthy brushing may loosen hair strands and pull out excess hair. A dozen strokes or so ought to be enough for most heads of hair, but consult with your hair care stylist if you have questions or feel your hair needs more attention.

3. Use a detangle product. If your hair is long or thick, or for any reason is prone to tangles or split ends, apply a conditioner that defuses tangles or a detangling cream that smoothes them before combing. When you do comb or brush your hair, it will be easier to manage and result in less breakage.

4. Don’t overuse hair care products. Too much spray, gel, or mousse, along with too much heat treatment can cause damage over time. Use products like these sensibly. Keep an eye on their effect. If your hair starts looking dry or greasy, or if the ends look dull or split, make an appointment with your hair stylist or try a deep conditioning product at home.

5. Protect your hair from the elements. Avoid too much sun on a hot day. Keep your head covered in pelting rain, cold, snow, or sleet. Humidify your home when the air gets dry. Steps like these will help to keep your hair strong and safe from potentially damaging elements.

6. Comb wet hair gently. Begin with the lower layers and gently comb in the direction the hair takes naturally. Work your way up to the scalp, carefully working through tangles or snarls. Don’t use a brush on wet hair, as it can cause breakage.

7. Give your hair extra care after swimming in a chemically treated pool. You may have to wear a swimming cap or give your hair a conditioning treatment afterward.

Taking a few precautions like these can help to reduce the amount of lost hair and broken strands that you will find in the sink from now on.

Article Tags: Health, Hair Care, Hair, Hairloss, Bald, Scalp, Lose Hair

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/stop-losing-your-hair-now-9038.html
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For more information on how to stop hair loss, Visit The Hair Loss Organizatio
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The Secrets To Hair Loss Cure Revealed

The Secrets To Hair Loss Cure Revealed

Author: Ron Shelf

Today I will tell you about an alternative way to treat hair loss.

There are many different products on the market that should do the job but yet there are so many other natural ways that do the same. Who wants to use chemicals while you can make your own remedy safely at home. Some might work for you and some might not but that is up to you to try it and decide.

So hair loss what is it really and why do we suffer from it?!

Hair loss, also known as baldness refers to excessive hair loss from scalp and can be the result of heredity, certain medications or an underlying medical condition.

It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some.

However, some people may experience excessive hair loss which might cause baldness. Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children.

So now that we know what it is, we need to know how to deal with it. For that I added a few natural remedies you can try:

1. Yemeni med: Soak fenugreek (Hilba) in deep pot of water throughout the night. Massage the liquid into the scalp and wrap with a cloth for 3 hours. Repeat everyday for 1 month.

2. Massage the scalp with uncooked egg yolk, leave for 1 hour and wash.

3. Smear Red Henna on the scalp and wait for 1 hour, then wash, Repeat for 10-14 days. Be ware- your hair will turn red from the henna!

4. Smear castor oil on the scalp and the hair roots but not on the hair, wrap the hair with a newspaper, tie with a cloth and leave overnight, wash in the morning. Repeat every 7-10 days (results will come after 6-7 treatments).

5. Boil 1 cup of water, add 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds, cook for 5 minutes, cool and drink.

6. Blanch scented geranium leaves in boiling water, strain, cool and use to wash the hair.

7. Rub olive oil into the scalp to reduce hair loss.

8. Boil rosemary leaves in water, strain and save the liquid in a glass bottle. Use to wash the hair every day. You can also put the rosemary water in a sprayer and spray the hair every morning.

There are many more home remedies for hair loss at the GrannyMed website.

Good luck!

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Article Tags: Hair Loss, Natural Remedy, Home Remedies, Remedies, Home Remedy, Natural Remedies, Hairloss, Homemade

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/advertising-articles/the-secrets-to-hair-loss-cure-revealed-65582.html
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Ron Shelf
Natural Home Remedies Advisor
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Home Remedies For Hair Loss